Branding Unbound is going bye-bye.
Well, sort of.
Over the last year, I've been replicating all the cool initiatives covered here at Branding Unbound on my digital marketing blog, GEN WOW.
Now, after nearly four years, I'm putting Branding Unbound to rest, so I can have one blog to rule them all.
Why? Because instead of having a different blog for each of my books, I've decided GEN WOW is the official blog for both Branding Unbound and my new book The On-Demand Brand - as well as books I write in the future. And also because mobile isn't a stand-alone channel anymore. It's an integral part of the communications mix.
So if you subscribe to Branding Unbound, you'll want to subscribe to GEN WOW right away. You'll want to check out our new iTunes channel, too. And of course you'll want to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Same great coverage of mobile. But now as part of a larger context spanning the multiple platforms we as marketers use to connect with today's iPhone-toting, Facebook-hopping, videogame-fragging, Twitter-tapping, I-want-what-I-want, when-where-and-how-I-want-it generation.
In other words, Generation Wow.
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